2015年7月4日 星期六



Travel has been great day.

It's a long time ago, Polaroid films are so popular that every family owns one. But now, digital photography are way too convient for taking instant preview and save a lot of bucks (films and lab fees). Polaroid annouce to shutdown the last instant film factory in Netherland. And the hero save it which is named Impossible Project. A project save 3 million Polaroid instant camera and their lovers.
Mine is made on December 10, 1976 during the A shift. Why did I know?
Check out this cool website!

PX600 could be used in SX-70 indoor, altought the offical documented that it should used with a ND filter. (you could shoot indoor without flash(no filter either), without a problem, panic free!)
Some links for your references
Also some quick starter
Thanks for reading. Happy shooting!
