2023年11月15日 星期三

Building a Flexible RESTful API with MongoDB, Flask, and AWS

Building a Flexible RESTful API with MongoDB, Flask, and AWS

Building a robust and flexible RESTful API is crucial for many modern web applications. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use MongoDB as a database, Flask as a web framework, and AWS for deployment to create a powerful and scalable API.


Before we get started, make sure you have the following tools and accounts:

  • Python installed on your machine
  • AWS account for deployment
  • MongoDB Atlas account for a cloud-based MongoDB database

Setting up MongoDB

First, create a MongoDB Atlas cluster and obtain the connection string. Update your Flask application configuration with this connection string to enable communication with MongoDB.

# Example MongoDB connection string MONGO_URI = "mongodb+srv://:@cluster0.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority"

Creating a Flask Application

Now, let's create a Flask application with the necessary routes for your API. Use the Flask-PyMongo extension to interact with MongoDB easily.

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request from flask_pymongo import PyMongo app = Flask(__name__) app.config["MONGO_URI"] = "your_mongo_uri_here" mongo = PyMongo(app)

Deploying to AWS

Once your Flask application is ready, it's time to deploy it to AWS. You can use services like AWS Elastic Beanstalk or AWS Lambda for serverless deployment.


Congratulations! You've successfully built a flexible RESTful API using MongoDB, Flask, and AWS. This combination offers scalability, flexibility, and ease of development for your web applications.

How to scale MongoDB using Terraform [Amazon Web Service] ECS and EKS

Deploy MongoDB on AWS ECS with Terraform

Follow these steps to deploy MongoDB on AWS ECS:

  1. Create an ECS Cluster:
    provider "aws" {
      region = "your-aws-region"
    resource "aws_ecs_cluster" "mongodb_cluster" {
      name = "mongodb-cluster"
  3. Create a Task Definition:
    resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "mongodb_task" {
      family                   = "mongodb"
      network_mode             = "bridge"
      requires_compatibilities = ["EC2"]
      cpu                      = "256"
      memory                   = "512"
      container_definitions = jsonencode([{
        name  = "mongodb-container"
        image = "your-mongodb-docker-image"
        portMappings = [{
          containerPort = 27017,
          hostPort      = 27017,
  5. Create an ECS Service:
    resource "aws_ecs_service" "mongodb_service" {
      name            = "mongodb-service"
      cluster         = aws_ecs_cluster.mongodb_cluster.id
      task_definition = aws_ecs_task_definition.mongodb_task.arn
      launch_type     = "EC2"
      desired_count   = 3  # Adjust this based on your scaling requirements
      network_configuration {
        subnets = aws_subnet.private.*.id
        security_groups = [aws_security_group.mongodb.id]

Make sure to replace placeholder values such as "your-aws-region" and "your-mongodb-docker-image" with your actual values.

2019年11月8日 星期五


當沒有原因快樂時 不要太快樂








Well, put it this way, I feel very low in myself.

I can't see much in the future, and I feel that any second something terrible is going to happen to me.

[slumps into spaghetti]


服務行業又好 咩行業都好 有d真係要大讚

例如 有一種廚師煮左廿幾三十年 但都仲會努力進步 學新菜式 有一種 一年比一年

差 連基本衛生都無 日日浪費食材

一個人專唔專業 唔係你話就得 係好客觀

碗麵有老鼠腳 你個胃都好客觀


係 咪聽日再番來食囉 鬼叫得你一間餐廳咩!

聽日個廚師又加料 呢次又唔知想點



2017年8月19日 星期六

New posting schedule

From now on, this channel will become world issue blog.
Please stay tune for more articles.
And be sure to add this website to your bookmark, if you are interested in the following topics.
- World Issues
- Moral and Humanities
- General Philosophy
- Existentialism
- Aestheticism
- Determinism 
- Chaos theory
- Digital physics
- Fatalism
- Free Will
- Voluntarism 

Overpopulated world and moral problem

Raised questions

-In food supply perspective, is plants fertilization and altered genes animal moral?

-Are human become more and more greedy because the world is short of natural resources?

-Can humanity sustain in such a population?

-Will overpopulation cause other moral problems?

-Is using vaccine to extend lifetime moral?

-Overlook the situation in India, the cost of a human life are way lower than expected. It also cause many tragic like amateur female assault, short in food and water, polluted rivers, lack of respect as a human being, the quality of life is unbearable.

In this week, let's rethink of the questions above. Write 1500 words about it and send it to me before next Friday.

2017年7月6日 星期四